Dunbar takes a stance against the “the bigger, the better” mantra of social media. By nurturing small groups capped at 148 members, you’re not just a part of the journey, you’re at its heart.

Dunbar is a place to make a difference, to improve you. Alongside mentors you admire and a tight-knit group who share your aspirations, you will forge a community of accountability and belonging.


A brighter path forward.
It is difficult to build and stick to positive habits over time. Dunbar offers a whole new approach to making the good stuff stick in ways that are not just effective, but downright delightful.


Purposeful connections.
Don’t be a faceless profile among millions of followers. Be one of only 148 to follow your favorite motivational figure, expert, creator, influencer, or celebrity in an exclusive group.


Tiny habits turn into big changes.
Follow in your leader’s footsteps as they post videos and personal guidance, sharing the nitty-gritty of the routines they actually follow on a daily basis that pave the way for real, tangible success.

Join Dunbar, the inner circle where leaders and the driven converge.

Connect with intention.
Lead with heart.
Thrive together.


Exceptional inspiration

First, pick a Leader who embodies your aspirations and join their Tribe. In engaging videos, your Leader is not just a teacher but a fellow traveler on the path to discovering how to live and succeed through purposeful activities.

Collaborate and celebrate

Dive into discussions within your Tribe, where Members share their own journeys. This is where the real magic happens. Through the support of those around you, you’ll find the strength and courage to rise and meet every challenge.

Personal attention

Your Leader, who will witness your struggles, your breakthroughs, and your commitment, will encourage you through personal video messages. It’s more than daily habits; it’s about a shared adventure in growth and discovery.

Intimate groups.
Authentic bonds.

Depth, not breadth

Social platforms have diluted the personal touch. Not here. In Dunbar, you are not just one in a million – you are one of a meaningful few. Engagement is intentional and intimate. You are in a community that sees you, that values your contribution, and that celebrates your progress.


Our capacity for meaningful relationships within a group is not limitless; it peaks at 148. This magical number is supported by decades of research by anthropologists, historians, and psychologists.


Together, we rise.
The path to greatness is traveled together. Leaders in Dunbar don’t just share wisdom, they invite you to join them in the daily practices that form the pillars of their success.


Belong wholeheartedly.
Dunbar’s power lies in the beauty of the small group – a place to be your true self, to give and receive support, and to be seen and understood in a way that only a close-knit communit


Cultivate your aspirations.
Whatever you growth goal is – be it fitness, healthy relationships, mindfulness, or creative expression – Dunbar is the fertile ground in which your personal goals can take root and flourish.