corporate education.

Dunbar makes practice easy

Motivate employees to maintain small daily habits that culminate in significant and enduring improvements.

Turn efforts into habits

Enhance corporate training programs with microlearning to bring the consistent daily practice needed to achieve mastery.

Unite in the pursuit of a common purpose

Dunbar brings employees with the same goals together and motivates them over the long-term.

It is a holistic platform for personal development, be it skill enhancement in project management or fostering leadership qualities.


Unite in the pursuit of a common purpose

Dunbar brings employees with the same goals together and motivates them over the long-term.

It is a holistic platform for personal development, be it skill enhancement in project management or fostering leadership qualities.


Light the flame

The company chooses a Leader who is respected as a master of the topic they will be teaching and invites a group of employees to join.

Fuel the fire

The Leader shoots a simple video from their phone (max 60 seconds) of a daily practice or microlearning and shares it with the Members of their Tribe. Presented as "Challenges," these daily tasks encourage the practical application of new knowledge and ensure retention through active engagement​​.

Gather side-by-side

- Members engage in discussions
- Ask questions
- Support each other
- Share their attempts
- Respond with text/photo/video
- Hold each other accountable
- Give recognition

Join Dunbar to experience
the next-generation of corporate education.

Contact us to learn more